Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Surah Falak- Safety from All Evil Powers and Refugee from God

The Holy Quran is the most commonly read book in the history and no other Book can be read so widely in the world. Holy Quran is revealed for the guidance of mankind and complete code of conduct for the successful life. Holy Quran gives instructions and commands about each and every aspect of life by implementing the rules of Holy Quran one can make our individual life and society peaceful. Book of virtue is the source of immense wisdom and guidance for The Muslims all over the world. Holy Quran was revealed on Holy Prophet and revelation was started in the cave of Hira. This Book was revealed by Allah and He also takes the responsibility of the security of that Book. Surah of Quran is not arranged according to the sequence of the revelation but according to their importance on specific occasions. In Book of Righteousness Allah Almighty convey the message of His glory and humanity. Every chapter of Holy Quran conveys some different message and a source of certain wisdom. Surah Falak is the surah in which Allah ask people to seek refugee from Him against the evil powers.

Surah Falak:
Surah Al-Falaq was revealed in Medina and has five verses. Holy Prophet (SAW) gives this Surah a great importance and narrates that who recites this Surah in an y of the prayer in the month of Ramadan it means that He or She fast in Makah. Recitation of this Surah keeps the person safe from evil powers and always in the security of Almighty God.
“I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak, from the evil of that which He created, And from the evil of darkness when it settles, And from the evil of the blowers in knots, And from the evil of an envier when he envies."[Surah Falak]
The word Falaq means is to split which refers to the break of dawn because it breaks the day in to light and darkness. Day light is a freedom from the darkness of night.
“When the night falls, keep your children indoors, for the devils are out and about at this time. When an hour of the night goes by, you can let them go”
Recitation of Holy Quran and understand its meaning is prior duty of each and every Muslim. Recitation of each and every word of Quran has its own reward so spread the knowledge of Quran and get the divine blessings

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Al,-Adl- Almighty Lord the ultimate Truth and Justice

Allah Almighty is the creator of all living and non-living creature in the universe and knows each and every secret. Lord revealed all secrets on the Day of Judgment and even the small good deed will be rewarded. There is no one in the world that got the ultimate power and authority accepts Almighty Lord. Allah has 99 names and all names depict one of His countless qualities and His unique attributes

Al- Adl [The just]:
Al-Adl is the name of Allah relates to His justice as Allah is the best Judge and gives reward and punishment of even small deed. Those who are unfair in their day to day matters must be fear full from the justice of Almighty Lord. Everyone in this word is answerable for what they did in this world
Among those we have created there is a community who guides by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A‘RAF, 181)
Another meaning of Just is that Allah Almighty is the one full fills His promise which he makes with his creature. This name of Allah is used in Holy Book of Quran at many occasions and Almighty Lord convey the lesson of equality thorough this attribute. Allah is just and likes the people who are fair in their dealings and not unfair in their dealings.
This name has many benefits for the reciter and contains a lot of wisdom as well. Recitation of this name fills the heart of the person with satisfaction and makes the belief stronger that Allah is who makes justice and got the ultimate power. This name also a warning for so called kings of this world to be justice to their subordinates
“And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice,” [al-An’aam: 115].
Recitation of Attributes of Lord:
Recitation of Names of Allah with Urdu meaning is very helpful in getting the benefits of these names in this world and on the Day of Judgment as well. Those who recite these names regularly will enter in to the paradise as beloved Prophet of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.”[Sahi Bukhari]

It is our Islamic duty to learn all these divine names by heart and spread this knowledge to others to get the countless reward from the Holy Prophet (PBUH)